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Re: DOS and Macro Virus Discussion

At 03:09 PM 8/17/96 -0400, you wrote:
>                           The central problem of the computer
>industry is not Microsoft exercising monopoly power, its vendors
>whose managements have refused to invest in the future and have 
>allowed their product to stagnate in decades old technology. If
>you think you are in such a company you can either hide in your 
>cubicle like Dilbert and wait for the company to collapse or tell them
>they have a problem and if the managment can't deal jump ship before
>it sinks.
>	Phill
   You make a convincing case. Although I have no hesitation criticizing
Microsoft for what I perceive to be mistakes I also realize that the company
would not be where it is today if other people had not made bigger mistakes.

   While I think it is fair to criticize Microsoft for not showing more
leadership in the area of security, a finger must also be pointed at the
corporate folks who failed to make security a priority in their software
wish lists.


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